Friday, February 04, 2005

Friday 2/4 - The Way Things Are

This week certainly has proved to be more frustrating than most. I must have been very bad in some former life for everthing to come vrashing around me. But I suppose that's just how things are at times.

Although nothing was really big, all the little things can just build up. Wouldn't you know that on a day that was already stressful with a tight series of evening events that: 1) Alex would have a school issue requiring attention at school and home 2) Jon wound up in the wrong place at the wrong time at school 3) I had a flat as I was about to leave work. So just to add to everything, Alex lost two teeth this week (a painful process), Jon was sick one day and now I'm not feeling so great either.

But today is Friday. Just one more day and then some time on the weekend.

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