Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday Oct 3 - Amazing

I had heard the ad on the radio for several weeks. And I really did mean to get online and reserve some tickets. But time got away from (again). Why does that always happen?

I suppose not having access to my personal scheduling secretary is just a fact of life. Mrs. Wiggins always got me the best tickets. I'll just have to get used to it. But it really stinks.

So I was very happy to get a call from friends who just happened to have three extra Fox Club-level box tickets for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat that was playing at the Fabulous Fox Theatre this past weekend.

The boys and I went and had a great time. Kathy had taken both of them to see it several times before. But never quite like this. And they were excited to see their friends there too. And the table service. And the warm roasted nuts. And the mints in the Fox Club restrooms. Oh, they liked the show too.

I'm glad that Kathy and I had many opportunities to go to the Fox, David Copperfield, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Peter, Paul and Mary.

She would have liked Joseph too.

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