Friday, May 26, 2006

May 26 - Eye on the Prize

May has been a very hectic month. And this week especially frantic. We started off the week with a rather challenging caving outing with the scouts. 5 hours underground in dark, muddy water.

Monday night was a race to buy shoes and clothes, get haircuts and ensure all of the animals were fed. tuesday night was Boy Scout recognitions. Wednesday night was Alex's 5th grade graduation (3 hours ina gym without air). Thursday brought Aelx to an all-day field trip to IL to the Lincoln museum in Springfield and Jon to his 8th grade, Eye on the Prize, graduation. Finally, Friday Jon went to Jefferson City for the weekend for DeMolay.

This weekend we're resting.

High School and Middle School start in three months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just had a chance to revisit your site. After reading this, I'm ready for a tubby!! I remember (and forever shall) the hot humid evening at Oak Brook. I will say that SWM knows how to move along those grads. Nonetheless, very emotional year for all...

Love to you and the boys