Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Wednesday 7/28 - IMDB

Jon, Alex and I love to play trivia. We all can usually remember the most obscure facts. Many times it relates to popular entertainment like movies and TV shows.

This skill was always lost on Kathleen.

"Why do you remember such details as who played Pinkie Tuscadero on Happy Days, when you can't remember to feed the cats?"

Jon and I like using the Internet Move Database at for our fact source. Type in an actor's name or a movie title and you'll return results with complete details. Each actor's name is also hyperlinked to allow you to search for all of the movies and TV shows they have starred in. Even movies that have yet to be released are listed.

It's fun to look at some popular "new" actors of today and see that they have been working for many years. Sometimes just billed as "the doorman" or some minor role when they were waiting tables in Venice, CA and working the odd acting job.

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