Thursday, August 19, 2004

Thursday 8/19 - The ABCs

The boys and I took some time off and headed east to North Carolina for some R&R last week. It was bittersweet because Kathy had planned this vacation during the dark, cold and snowy days last January. Since she couldn't easily fly, we had planned to drive. Alas, the 18 hour drive to the coast was a bit more than I expected. But we managed it just fine. Thank God for Game Cube and wireless headphones in the miniban!

We arrived right after Hurricane Alex for a beautiful week of 78 degree weather, blue skies, a gentle tropical breeze and 0% humidity. On the morning we left, Bonnie and Charley came roaring in. But we headed west and missed it all. It was a perfect week. and we needed it.

The time away gave us a chance to regroup as a family with just the three of us. We ate most of meals at the beach house. But we did venture out each day for an activity, shopping, aquarium, Wright Bros Memorial at Kitty Hawk, and the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. Which Alex and John will tell you has 268 steps--but only 257 can get you up to the top.

So we're back at real life again. The boys started school today. Another first we must go through. I suspect that we'll have lots more of these "firsts" over the coming year. Everyone made it home today from school in good spirits. The new routine will be good for everyone and we are expecting great things this year.

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